you’re right. But many poor people, or those who feel abandoned turn to religion for comfort. Religion becomes the shell that justifies the poverty existence. And people like Huckabee and Cotten are quick to exploit it for their own profit. attitudes don’t change the facts that Arkansas has one of the worst levels of poverty. Huckabee and Cotton throw religion on it to make themselves feel better about their own enormous wealth

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According to Pew Research, 48% of Arkansans believe aiding the poor does more harm than good. 46% of Arkansans identify as Mainline Protestants and 48% say they read Scripture at least once weekly. 45% of Arkansans say Scriptures should be taken literally. Despite the prevalence of poverty in Arkansas, 55% of Arkansans say they would rather have smaller government and fewer services. 46% of Arkansans believe that humans always exited in our present form, denying any possibility of evolution. These are significantly large percentages and show that political conservative propaganda is woven with religious Christian conservatism. It's no wonder why Sarah Sanders, daughter of conservative minister Mike Huckabee, is governor of Arkansas and why Tom Cotton enriches himself as you point out so well. When people believe they have special religious knowledge and their leaders are divinely led by God, where's their motivation to change, their motivation to evolve? For people like those in Arkansas, even their poverty is "God's divine will" and Cotton's money shows God's favor. Doesn't everyone know someone who believes that same way, despite different religious affiliations?

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