Perhaps you would like to emphasize that all taxpayers have the right to appeal their assessments to the State Property Tax Appeal Board after having been given a decision by the Board of Review.

There is a large backlog, but when I was helping people in McHenry County right after the Board was created by Governor Ogilvie for all counties but Cook, as County Treasurer I handed out $500 refund checks when bills were much, much lower that today.

Cook County taxpayers won the right to appeal to the State Board when Republicans were in control of the Illinois House and Senate in 1995-96. State Rep. Maaueen Murphy (R-Evergreen Park) sponsored the bill.

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That is an issue I will follow up with ... but so far the many homeowners I have spoken to said that the Board of Review has done nothing to help them ... not one of them said the Board has helped them at all ... the system in Cook County sucks

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McHenry County has the same situation.

No one won relief from ijts Board of Review.

I helped taxpayers appeal and all 13 who did so won.

It was and is irrelevant what the Board of Review does on an appeal.

Marshal the evidence that one is over assessed and and the Assessor must provide better evidence.

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Vote him out!

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