Unprovoked, Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau intentionally attacked Arab and Muslim residents at the Feb. 5 board meeting. His disrespect was unjustified. So what can Arab voters in Orland Park do?
Thanks for the deep dive into this. Orland Park Seniors conservative and many
Trumpers. Good Luck beating him when he runs for re-election.
If anyone is serious about running, they need to see the bigger picture and not run out of emotion or out of entitlement.
Thank you Ray for bringing this to the forefront
Great job
Thanks for the deep dive into this. Orland Park Seniors conservative and many
Trumpers. Good Luck beating him when he runs for re-election.
If anyone is serious about running, they need to see the bigger picture and not run out of emotion or out of entitlement.
Thank you Ray for bringing this to the forefront
Great job