Thousands die because health insurance companies deny coverage for illnesses from cancer to transplants. So don't ask me to sympathize with the industry cuz of the murder of one of their wealthy CEOs
Very good article, Ray! Ending "Citizens United" would be a good start towards taming lobbyists, money in politics. Funny how "End Citizens United" quieted down once winning elections got seriously expensive. Do any Democrats still talk about that? Corporate personhood was an arcane concept in classrooms until the Roberts court made it real - and really important. I enjoy going back and reading news articles about campaign finance reform. It's like witnessing the current Republican party being born. Why put Madigan on trial when Roberts basically blessed quid pro quo back-scratching as "what our Founders intended?"
Very good article, Ray! Ending "Citizens United" would be a good start towards taming lobbyists, money in politics. Funny how "End Citizens United" quieted down once winning elections got seriously expensive. Do any Democrats still talk about that? Corporate personhood was an arcane concept in classrooms until the Roberts court made it real - and really important. I enjoy going back and reading news articles about campaign finance reform. It's like witnessing the current Republican party being born. Why put Madigan on trial when Roberts basically blessed quid pro quo back-scratching as "what our Founders intended?"