
I think Joe Biden is done. Kamala Harris is not an alternative. Do Democrats have someone better? Maybe Michelle Obama? Or will this help Robert F. Kennedy Jr., win as a third party candidate. The Democrats shot themselves in their foot and caused their own destruction. Can they save themselves? I don't think so

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Michelle would be great, but she has repeatedly said she doesn't want to be President. Maybe she would patriotically answer the call to duty in this dire moment. I hope so.

Other good prospects based on their qualifications, including experience, intelligence, integrity, knowledge, toughness, etc. are Sheldon Whitehouse, Jamie Raskin, Jeff Merkley & Elizabeth Warren, maybe Cory Booker, Chris Murphy & Pete Buttigieg.

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Maybe we should all do the right thing and find a way to elect Nikki Haley. She'll bring respect and honor back to the presidency and to America and also happens to be a smart woman who is about half these others guy's ages.

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Jun 28Liked by Ray Hanania

1972. McGovern/Eagleton were the DEM ticket. It came out that Sen. Eagleton had hadd several boutss of severe depression, but recovered. He was hounded off the ticket and out of politics because of it.

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comments are open and are not shut off

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What is really pathetic is that some extremist supports of President Biden must lie in order to find their foundation, like lying that no one was allowed to comment on this post or to express themselves freely. There are some realy losers out there who don't know how to debate, discuss or engage in intelligent thought ... all the FREE columns are open to everyone to comment and NO ONE has been deleted, blocked or censored ..,. that's only what extremists do, or people who have something to hide. Some may not like what I write but it is honest and reflects what I BELIEVE... take it or leave it LOL

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Early on in the debate the current president started mumbling and lost my confidence completely with the next 4 years.

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But you're okay with Trump lying his a$$ off?

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Jun 29Liked by Ray Hanania

The blathering vegetable had no clue what he was saying half the night

Explain to America how Biden beat Medicare

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Biden was more coherent than lying Trump. Every other word out of Trump’s mouth was a horrendous lie. Wow, the lies Trump tells are so easily proved to be lies!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

What did Trump lie about during the debate?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Sleepy 10-4 Joe lied to the gold star families that no soldier died under his watch

What was it specifically that Trump lied about

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Everything. Mexico will pay for the wall. Covid will go away with bad weather. He won the 2020 election, despite 60 challenges being thrown out of court, mostly for lack of evidence. And everything Trump says other people do he’s done many times over.

RFK is only an idiot’s choice. Trump is a malignant narcissist. Biden is flawed, but no more than other Presidents. You’re a fool if you think replacing him at this point in the game is any kind of good idea.

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You are completely correct. However, it appears that Biden has a debilitating condition -- some have speculated it's Parkinson's -- that will only deteriorate at an accelerating pace, almost sure to incapacitate him some time in the next 4 years, kind of like Alzheimer's did Reagan, except Biden's has come earlier relative to the terms. He has a lot of good people in important places (with the exception of the DOJ & FBI) to help government maintain its functional capabilities, but it's irresponsible to run someone who is very unlikely to make it through the next term intact.

There are a lot of good people in the Democratic Party who could take his place: Elizabeth Warren, Jeff Merkley, Jamie Raskin & Sheldon Whitehouse are the ones I think would make the best president & the strongest candidates compared to the horror that is Trump.

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He had a bad night. What's Trump's excuse for bullying and not answering the questions he was asked? Trump told lie after lie and now he thinks he won?!! And where the fk was Melania?LMFAO! 🤪🤪🤪🤪.

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Dude Bi-Done

He’s a vegetable


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Michelle Obama is NOT running

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She's not running. BUT, if Biden steps down gracefully, she could be endorsed and nominated. I hope they don't turnt o Kamala Harris. She's worse than Biden.

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I think Kamala is okay, but certainly not the best nor strongest candidate the Democrats could run.

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Explain why Biden has 20 shell companies he uses when monies from overseas is funneled to his family members

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He doesn't. That's been debunked.

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Who debunked it? YOU?

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Unfortunately, I don't think Demo☭rats have any candidates that are good for America. We don't want uncontrolled borders or let Antifa and looters run wild and we don't hate the police. We don't want to be taxed or regulated out of business. We also don't like to be lied to pretending that The Handmaid's Tale is coming true. Actually, we Don't want any lies.

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90 minutes is not 3 years. MAGA is autocratic not democratic. People should not have their rights reduced. Must rule or must ruin. Corporations should not put money in politics. No gerrymandering. One person is one vote.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

This idiot (the columnist) lost me when he started blaming Israel for the Oct 7 Hamas war. Even the Palestinians are finally blaming themselves for the death and destruction by voting in Hamas. Maybe the columnist should try moving to a neighborhood where all his neighbors try to kill him 24 hours a day. Nutcases like this guy gotta go.

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I think you should take a good look at yourself and your motives at this stage to suggest and try to further this idea. You know what you are doing and I hope you stop doing it. We have a fantastic VP who can and will step in to continue the work being done by this admin. Please, please fkg stop with this fantasy BS you are peddling.

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Tell me one lie President Trump stated

Biden said no service members didn’t die (lie) during his first term as commander in chief

Sleepy Joe forgot about Afghanistan and the people falling off planes too

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Almost everything Trump said was a lie, especially the part about “every legal scholar wants abortion to be decided by the states. He again took credit for a bill Obama signed. For more, see: https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/

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Trump was leading the world out of misery and terrorism until the ICA Coup.

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Unfortunately, I don't think Demo☭rats have any candidates that are good for America. We don't want uncontrolled borders or let Antifa and looters run wild and we don't hate the police. We don't want to be taxed or regulated out of business. We also don't like to be lied to pretending that The Handmaid's Tale is coming true. Actually, we Don't want any lies.

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Not replacing Biden will guarantee Trump a victory!

It’s delusional to think Biden can defeat Trump with his cognitive decline. That’s something that won’t get better over time, only worse. Marianne meets all 3 qualifications set forth to be President of the United States. In addition to that, her entire career has been working with people in crisis. Our Country is in crisis right now.

Marianne is the closest one to a bi-partisan Candidate, as she doesn’t carry biases & listens to

everyone. She has studied civics & government policy for years. Marianne is a humanitarian, and has always promoted peace. If we want to see the corruption change we need someone “NOT” part of the corrupt establishment to stand up for us, We The People!

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Nor is the time for people like you to shut up or rally behind Biden. Replacing a candidate this late in the cycle is a dumb idea, as it will assure a Trump victory. One bad debate is not a a whole campaign, and isn’t reason enough to have somebody step aside.

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According to many observers, Biden appears to have Parkinson's. In any case, it looks like Biden has a debilitating condition beyond age that will worsen over time. I wish we were shown his medical records, but his handlers appear not to be transparent about his physical & mental condition. It is irresponsible for the Democratic Party to choose as their nominee someone who is this impaired.

I would still vote for him because he has for the most part a good crew surrounding him, & having Trump ruling over us again would be a catastrophe from which we might never recover.

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This article is full of half truths and willful mischaracterizations. The media gives Trump a free pass on virtually everything, while cleaning bites of wevents that put Biden a bad light. The economy is extremely robust and thriving, no hints "disarray". To suggest otherwise is shallow piling on in error. Kinzinger and Cheney exhibit character and the country would do well with many more like them. No credibility for the author of such an unprofessional trope. I'll never read another thing from Ray Hanania. No valid conclusions come from invalid premises.

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I agree with you about Kinzinger & Cheney. I'm confident that their conscience compels them to oppose Trump. They haven't gained from it. They've been ostracized from the party.

For the most part this has been a successful presidency. The main issue now is the condition of Biden & whether he is capable of handling another term & the prognosis from afar isn't encouraging. There are doubters among some close to him, too, from what I've read. The Democrats must put up a strong, eminently qualified candidate because it is imperative to soundly defeat the extremely dangerous & unfit Trump. And whether its based on reality or just perception, the vast majority of American voters do not think Biden should be the Democratic nominee.

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