Slammed by Biden and Trump, Kennedy must be included in debates
The fact that the media and the Washington beltway are doing everything to marginalize Robert F. Kennedy Jr only reenforces the truth that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are weak candidates
By Ray Hanania
FREE/politics election/Monday April 29, 2024
The mainstream news media through its obvious partisan biases and racist islamophobia does not get to control our American politics or elections. They think they do, but they don’t.
The mainstream news media is supposed to report news, not cheerlead for one partisan side or the other.
The American news media is in professional dysfunction and crisis, spending more time protecting their candidates than reporting on the news.
The two-party system candidates are President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, and both have major flaws.
Biden is only halfway here. Sometimes he knows what he is doing and sometimes it seems like he is lost. Clearly Biden's biggest failing is that he is viewed as a "weak" leader by our enemies, Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. They are not afraid of him, and they recognize America is weak because of the deep divisions symbolized by the Biden-Trump rivalry.
In the face of a tough American president, Russia would not have invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Israel would have restrained its siege of Gaza to focus on Hamas rather than punishing the civilian population and forcing American taxpayers to pay for its war, more than $40 billion just in the past six months. China wouldn’t be stealing data from Americans.
Biden's biggest failing is that he vowed to bring America together but failed. He has instead fueled the divide and made the polarization even greater.
Trump is no better. Mired in legal turmoil, Trump just can't stop himself from wasting the valuable time of Americans and ignoring the serious issues. Instead, Trump wastes his time engaging in his characteristic petty personal politics.
Because of the insurmountable political polarization, neither Biden nor Trump are capable of addressing or confronting the major domestic challenges facing Americans. Those challenges include the escalating domestic polarization, the rising crime wave, the increasing burden of illegal immigrants (sometimes called migrants), and, the waffling and weak economy.
They say they are addressing these issues but nothing has changed.
Worse is that neither seems capable of addressing the growing international crises that continue to grow.
Neither is inspirational enough to capture the hearts, minds and confidence of an overwhelming majority of Americans. They only have their angry followers who bully the center into complicit silence.
There is an alternative, however. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Kennedy is the eldest son of the late U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy who was assassinated in 1968.
Both Trump and Biden see Kennedy as a threat to their own political existence. Trump calls Kennedy a Liberal while Biden calls Kennedy a conservative.
The mainstream news media is caught in the middle trying to decide who Kennedy hurts more, Biden or Trump. When the media is not ignoring Kennedy's candidacy, they are demonizing him
America is in a shambles and yet no one is addressing the issues. Biden and Trump are only patting themselves on their backs.
The borders are wide open. Nearly 8 million illegal immigrants have entered this country during the past three years and the numbers continue to accelerate.
Crime is rampant in major cities and surrounding suburbs, and all the elected officials can do is blame the Police and pass laws that ease the consequences on the criminals, so they can do more killing while out on low bond awaiting trial on other crimes.
The world is breaking apart as Russia, China, North Korea and Iran expand their violent agendas. Russia is destroying Ukraine, the final wall before the neo-Soviet terrorists jackboot their way into Western Europe.
NATO is in disarray, mainly because neither Biden nor Trump have been strong inspiring leaders. They have no solutions. They spend all their time backbiting each other, Biden regaling in the midst of fawning journalists, like at the recent White House Correspondent's Dinner. Trump is railing at a clearly unfair judicial system that has abandoned the Rule of Law and embraced political injustice to try to cripple Trump's intended return tot he White House.
The media so hates Trump they even produced a movie, "Civil War,' in which a Trump-like president (authoritarian, obsessed with hating the news media, who wallows in self-induced political hallucinations) takes over the country serving a third presidential term (illegal under the 22nd Amendment), orders a shoot-to-kill journalist order, provokes a civil war.
The "Western Forces" challenging the Trump-like president eventually lay siege to the White House, pull the president by his ankles out from under the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. After a reporter asks him for a quote, the soldiers execute him sending pro-Biden audiences into celebratory self-gratification.
Imagine the outrage from the media if a Hollywood film company produced a movie about an Obama-like President who was executed in the Oval Office.
The point is that the people who should be fixated on protecting out Democratic system are instead engaging in destroying it to help their favored partisan racehorse.
Kennedy has his own problems. He spends a lot of time fixating on conspiracy theories, some that are legitimate. But not enough time addressing the key issues that many American believe are more important. Crime, Immigration. The economy. The Communist threats from Russia, China and North Korea. The threats from Iran. Escalating conflicts. The continued policy of giving foreign countries that are capable of financing their own wars billions, like Israel.
What does Kennedy stand for? We don't get a chance to find out because of the media interference.
Kennedy is different than the other third party candidates mainly because he has a significant following among voters, more than 20 percent in many polls.
Yet, despite his popularity, Kennedy is denied Secret Service protections. Being a Kennedy and knowing this nation's history, it would be a no-brainer to ensure Kennedy had protection.
Kennedy should be included in any presidential debate. Refusing to allow him to participate is only further proof that the media is manipulating the political system.
Let the American people hear all the major candidates and decide for themselves which candidate is best, has the better programs, and who will be a stronger leader.
Let the public decide who should be president, not the insiders in Washington or the biased and oftentimes racist mainstream news media.
The fact that supporters of Biden and Trump are marginalizing his candidacy and opposing his involvement in the debate only reenforces the fact that Biden and Trump are weak leaders and the media needs to protect them.
Preventing Kennedy from participating in presidential debates only reenforces the reality that Biden and Trump are both weak candidates who need to be politically protected. That Biden and Trump are weak means that America is even weaker than we think, or are being told.
No to Kennedy, Jr. It's a waste of time - and votes - to listen to a third-party candidate with absolutely no chance of winning. ALL third-party candidates are a joke, as is anyone who supports them. I don't believe in throwing away my vote. I want to vote for someone who can win, be it a Democrat or a Republican.
Kennedy is picking up support, especially among younger voters who are disillusioned with the mainline candidates. If we only do what we've always done, we'll only get what we've always received. Voting for Biden or Trump is the vote thrown away. New wine for new wineskins.