Left uses hatred, hypocrisy & hyperbole to attack conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito
The left screamed about how the rightwing investigative group Project Veritas misled people when trying to expose their issues. But they cheer when one of their own does the same
By Ray Hanania
FREE/politics Supreme Court/ Wednesday June 12, 2024
When the wife of conservative Supreme Court Justice Samual Alito flew the American Flag upside down, the far left jumped all over him demanding that he resign.
When the American flag is flown upside down, it is a recognized sign of distress, not a statement of disrespect or dishonor. But a neighbor with whom Alito’s wife was quarreling notifed the liberal media which jumped all over him, even going as far as to assert that he “threw his wife under the Bus.” (MSNBC)
There is no law about how to fly the flag, and even our Constitution giv es the American people the right to use the flag in protests.
There is a “code” which is an unenforceable law, that suggests the proper way to display the flag. But Americans have been flying the Upside Down flag for years, going all the way back to the protests involving the Vietnam War.
It was flown unside down by liberals, conservatives and even centrists.
Upside Down flag. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
But according to many in today’s polarized world of hatred, hypocrisy and hyperbole, which truth and rule of law, and fairness no longer mean anything, everything can be twisted and weaponized to achieve one side’s political goals.
It’s no longer about what’s best for America. It is all about what is best for the hypocrites. And there are many.
Alito’s critics demanded that he resign and ridiculed him for the using his wife as a human shield to protect his reputation.
They further alleged that the Upside Down flag was “the” symbol of the January 6th “insurrection,” the term the media and the Left concocted to describe the unjustified violence that took place at the United States capitol. Five people were killed, 174 capitol police and DC police were injured, four others died later of injuries, and several police officers committed suicide.
The violence by nearly 1,000 protestors who were later charged were a part of a larger group of protestors, more than 50,000 supporters of President Donald Trump who was making claims that the election had been stolen.
Anyone who claims they believe that the election was stolen, that votes were stolen, are attacked and denounced by the media as being anti-American. They call it a “lie.” Havign covered American politics for 45 years, I know that people have been accused of voter fraud hundreds of times and that it happens. One of the most famous voter thefts occurred when the Chicago Outfit stole votes to help elected Democrat John F. Kennedy defeat Republican Richard M. Nixon in the November 8, 1960 presidential election.
There never was an investigation of that voter theft. It wouldn’t have been convenient.
The point is, the people committing the violence have been charged. More than 730 people have pled guilty to charges, while another 170 were convicted of misdemeanor and felony charges by juries. Only two were acquitted of all charges by a judge.
In other words, those who turned to violence are paying the consequences. Those who engaged in political speech, extremist rhetoric or not that stopped short of advocating violence, have been attacked as “insurrectionists” also simply because they disagree with the Left and the Democrats.
But the politicians who hate Trump the most argue that he was directly responsible for directing the violence.
I listened to and read his remarks. Nowhere does he ever tell them to resort to violence. In fact, during his 76 minute rant Trump urged them to be peaceful.
But facts don’t matter to the Trump haters who have twisted his words and distorted the protest into a media-described “insurrection.” And anyone’s speech can be characterized to be whatever the mainstream news media wants it to be, because the mainstream news media is a part of the corruption and the polarization that is the cancer on American society.
The attack against Alito is basically the same M.O. The media exaggerates what happened so much that some people actually believe Alito was at the Jan. 6 protests and a part of those who engaged in violence. They don’t care about the history of the Upside Down flag and how it has played a much bigger role among past protestors than it did. appearing at the January 6 protests outside among those who legally engaged in free speech and non-violent demonstrations, and those who engaged in violent demonstrations inside the capitol.
The attacks against Alito are driven by people who simply wan tto take control in their own form of insurrection, one driven by unethical and unprofessional news media reporting, and by hypocrites who takes laws and twist them around to mean something to help themselves or to be used to hurt someone with whom they disagree politically.
Every American should be flying the Upside Down flag today because America is in a distress being driven by fanatics and extremists on both sides who have abandoned the American Constitution and who have placed themselves above the law.
It takes a very large dose of ignorance to claim that DJT never instigated the violence at the Capitol on 1/6/21, simply because he did not utter such simple and precise verbiage as, "now go and commit violence." DJT spoke then, as he does now, in veiled code that his supporters find crystal clear meaning in. Other speakers at the Ellipse used more explicitly violent and aggressive rhetoric. The Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were there, armed with chemical and ballistic weapons performing rehearsed battle plans. This is a fact. Trump was informed by his own security agents that members of the crowd were armed and hadn't been granted access to the speech area because of the metal detectors at entrance points. Trump ordered them taken offline, saying "they're not here to hurt me", and wanted them all to go to the Capitol building. This is also a fact.
On top of this he had a long history of approving violence, telling his rally attendants to "beat the hell out of" anyone protesting him. He told the Police Officers Association to be more violent towards people they arrest. He posted an image of himself swinging a baseball bat next to a photo of Alvin Bragg. These are also facts.
So when you say "facts don't matter to Trump haters", as per usual it is merely projection of your own biases and your own behavior, and is one of the many, many lies you have written in this embarrassing piece.