Democracy in America faces a serious threat from within
America is being torn apart not by foreign tyrants or dictators, but by people who wrap themselves in a twisted form of Democracy that compromises the Rule of Law, free speech and individual equality.
— Efforts to block former President Donald Trump from appearing on election ballots rely on circumventing the Rule of Law and allowing rival government officials to abuse their powers for selfish political goals. Trump was never charged, prosecuted or convicted of fueled the Jan. 6, insurrection or any other major crime that would deny the American people the right to chose their own president
— The mainstream Liberal Left news media is helping to undermine American Democracy by replacing professional “news reporting” with subjective and partisan political opinions. They are motivated by the growing realization that President Joe Biden is incapable of winning without their election interference.
— America today is spiraling towards tyranny, one that denies free speech, compromises fundamental aspects of the Rule of Law, and imposes political dictatorship on our nation.
By Ray Hanania
FREE/Politics/Tuesday March 5, 2024
There is a threat to Democracy in America, but it is not being driven by one candidate or a former president.
It is being driven by partisan political activists who believe that they can manipulate and bend the rules to undermine their opponents. Democracy is being undermined by political activists who are seeking to manipulate the rule of law so it applies one way to their foes, and another for themselves.
Real Democracy is not built on one political party, Republican or Democrat. It is built on a foundation of fairness, free speech and non-partisan principles that embrace honesty, accuracy and most importantly, on the Rule of Law.
What is happening in America is that some elected officials are sidestepping the Rule of Law to pander to partisanship and political bias. And the mainstream news media is fueling this destruction of the fundamental foundation that has made America great for so many centuries.
Right now, the focus of the partisan manipulation is on stopping former President Donald Trump from being re-elected.
There is a real fear among his foes that he can't be stopped because their candidate, President Joe Biden, is not is weak and vulnerable. Why is Biden vulnerable? Because he has done a poor job of leading this nation.
Biden's supporters know this and believe the only way to ensure Biden's re-election is to thwart the fundamental principles of Democracy including in violating the law.
The real threat to Democracy is not about whether Trump will win or lose in the November 5, 2024 General Election.
The real threat to Democracy is how the Rule of Law is being twisted, bent and compromised to undermine the free will of the American people using lies, distortions and defamation to manipulate the election results.
What is happening in American politics today has happened I many other third world countries which have undermined free speech and free will, side-stepped fundamental individual rights by violating the Rule of Law.
Worse is that these activists who are willing to violate every principle of Democracy and reinterpret the Rule of Law are being helped by the national mainstream news media, mainly from the Liberal Left.
Three American states, Colorado, Maine and Illinois, sought to remove Trump from their state election ballots in order to thwart his re-election bid. They are motivated not by the Ruel of Law but by their realization that their candidate, Biden, is a weak candidate and that Trump is more popular. Their motivation is selfishness, not preserving Democracy.
Eight other states including California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Michigan, Massachusetts and New Hampshire also were taking steps to bloc him from being on the ballot not just int he primary elections but also in the November 5, 2024 General Election.
They asserted that Trump was involved in the January 6, 2020 "insurrection," in which a small minority of pro-Trump protestors in Washington D.C. on that day turned to violence.
Under the Rule of Law, Trump would be guilty of fueling the insurrection if in fact he had been charged, prosecuted and convicted in a court of law by a jury of his peers.
Trump was never charged with being behind the "insurrection." Trump was never prosecuted for being behind the "insurrection." Trump was never convicted of being behind the "insurrection."
Trump is certainly hated and despised by the Left and most Democrats. But hate is not an aspect of the Rule of Law.
Trump was removed from the ballots in Colorado and Maine and he was "disqualified" in Illinois on the basis of an unproven accusation that has never been decided in a court of law.
The decisions of these three states were driven purely by partisan politics, not the Rule of Law. That is exactly what tyrants and dictators do. They make accusations, control the message by censoring those who disagree, and they use their powers to silence their critics.
Colorado, Maine and Illinois threw out the Rule of Law and the fundamental principles of Democracy to achieve their partisan political goals. They didn't do it to preserve the law or the nation.
The attorney generals in those states who pushed for his removal used taxpayer money to pursue their political goal of circumventing an open election process which is the foundation of a Democracy. Those states should be forced to reimburse the taxpayers for every minute of government time spent in pursuing this unDemocratic political partisan objective.
The cases went before the U.S. Supreme Court, which is politically divided this week. But the Supreme Court ruled unanimously -- Democrats and Republicans -- that Trump should remain on the ballot. Five of the nine justices, all conservatives, ruled that it is not within the power of a state to enforce a ban against any Federal candidate.
What was done to try to block Trump goes against every principle of a Democracy. It's the people, not the politicians, who have the power to select their leaders.
It's not the right of the partisan politicians from the Democratic Party, the disgruntled members of the Republican Party driven by envy of Trump's widespread public popularity, or the biased and unjournalistic national mainstream news media to circumvent the Rule of Law to prevent their rival from presenting his name to the voters.
What they did was illegal. They did it because they know Biden is weak and losing public support.
All the media spin and distortions used to prop up Biden, defend Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump's candidacy can't change that simple fact. The Liberal Left is being led by an unqualified candidate, a president who not only compromised by his eroding faculties but more by hypocrisies involving his involvement with his son and his failures to implement his campaign promises when he was elected in 2020.
It doesn't matter whether Trump believes Biden "stole" the election. The Rule of Law was used to confront Trump's assertions that the November 2020 election had been stolen from him.
Just like the Democrats had a burden to prove their accusations, Trump had a burden to prove his. They both failed.
Both are poor leaders.
Trump is no savior. He thwarted his own presidency by sinking deep into the petty politics driven by a biased news media. There were so many other strategies he could have pursued rather than namecalling and pettiness to respond to the biases news media reports. Trump's presidency failed because of his own actions.
But Biden's re-election must also be driven by his own actions, too. And Biden's actions have also been terrible.
America is in trouble.
This nation needs someone who can rise up above the tyrannical leanings of power politics and news media biases.
The polarization that is being fueled by Biden and Trump is tearing America apart. And that destruction is undermining our role as the Leader of the Free World. As the preeminent Democracy in the world, America is force behind the hopes and dreams of people around the world who aspire to freedom, to fight against censorship, to protect human rights, and to thwart tyranny, oppression and despotism.
But under both Trump and Biden, America has not been able to fulfill its role. As our image weakens, tyrants around the world are seeing opportunities to undermine Democracy and expand their authoritarianism.
The threat to world order is coming not from Russia, China, or from Iran. It is coming from right here in America where the principles that are the pillars of this country are being torn down for partisan, political and selfish purposes.
One election won't change this. But America needs a leader who recommits this nation to the Rule of Law, to free speech, professional journalism not activist news reporting, and to ensure that every single American, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or political persuasion are treated equally.
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